Debra Lilley
Vice President, Customer Success at Inoapps
4 Articles Published
image of data protection
Av0id data disasters at y0ur d00r
Debra Lilley reflects on the importance of accurate and complete data amidst challenges in data management, especially as AI becomes integrated into ERP systems.
image of hands picking at spaghetti brain | ESG software
There are no single threads in ESG software supply chains
Software is part of your supply chain too. Debra Lilley untangles an inside view of vendor, integrator and user sustainability relations. 
a graphic of a walking person with a light bulb on his head | The great employee glow up
The great employee glow up
Say Hello to your new favorite customers. Why HR should treat employees as a business’ most important customer win.
A quotation bubble made up of hundreds of people to depict a group | User groups in ERP
Hug! The history and hereafter of user groups
Debra Lilley, vice president of customer success at Inoapps, discusses the very important role of user groups in the ERP industry.