
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) significantly bolsters IT security by providing a centralized and integrated approach to safeguarding critical information. ERP systems incorporate robust security features, such as user access controls, encryption, and authentication protocols, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data. Through continuous monitoring and audit trails, ERP enhances visibility into system activities, aiding in the early detection of potential security threats. ERP’s role extends to compliance management, assisting organizations in adhering to regulatory requirements and industry standards. By consolidating data across various business processes, ERP strengthens security measures, minimizing vulnerabilities and offering a comprehensive defense against cyber threats. This integrated approach to IT security fortifies organizations, promoting resilience and protecting against evolving cyber risks.

Is Your Company Cybersecure? Looking into the Key Threats Facing the Financial Services Industry Today
Cybersecurity is not a fresh topic by any means. But even though it’s not new, it’s still important. In fact, recent government reports have shown that 32% of UK businesses were hit by an attack in the previous 12-month period, rising to 59% for medium-sized businesses and 69% for large businesses. 
Machine vs Machine: Securing Your Organisation Against AI-Powered Cyberattacks
The digital age has brought about numerous advancements, but it has also ushered in a new era of cyberthreats. While AI has been implemented as a tool to defend against cyberthreats, this double-edged sword has also been exploited by malicious actors to create new and more sophisticated cyberattacks than ever before
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Nobody wants a leak: Getting cyber secure in manufacturing
Manufacturing firms are advancing their stacks, but openings have sprung for bad actors. How can businesses kick the bucket on cyber risks?  
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The train outta cyber trouble in the smart city
When we rely on a growing network of interconnected systems to help our urban societies function, how can we keep them cyber secure? Answers can be found in case studies from the likes of Transport for London and the Pennsylvania Turnpike, as made possible by the work and offerings of AWS and Deloitte respectively.
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The power of IT-OT integration in fortifying cyber defenses  
The industry needs to change the direction of cybersecurity by addressing the disconnects that exist between IT and OT teams.
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Spinnaker Support
Spinnaker Support is the industry’s highest-rated support services provider for Oracle, SAP, and Salesforce enterprise software solutions.
Three initiatives to secure digital transformation projects
Digital transformation projects often face challenges when it comes to migrating custom code applications to S/4HANA with Rise with SAP.
A metal fence : Cybersecurity SAP and Xiting
Fortifying data on your S/4 journey with SAP tailored security frameworks
With tailored SAP frameworks, companies can navigate the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape and protect their data during S/4 migrations.
Onapsis debuts new AI to boost S/4HANA, RISE and BTP security
Onapsis unveils new enhancements to its AI-driven Security Advisor and Broader Platform to advance greater SAP visibility.
Qualys CEO Thakar: A unified view of business-related risk management & remediation
There are cybersecurity companies, but there are also enterprise software vendors who work in the vulnerability management zone that we would not classify as cyber firms in the traditional sense of technologies ‘simply’ circulating around malware, ransomware and system security...