The ERP Today Awards 2024

The ERP Today Awards 2024 recognizes and celebrates those who are not only meeting the demands of today’s global enterprise technology sector, but setting the standards for tomorrow’s success. The Awards continue to celebrate both the industry’s global leaders and the emerging innovators and disruptors.

This year, the awards will be presented on October 24 2024 at our awards celebration dinner, immediately following our Mastering ERP Summit day program, where you will join an elite group of innovators and leaders who are recognized for shaping the future of enterprise resource planning.

You can self nominate now by clicking on the following categories: 

Submission deadline: July 19th 2024

We encourage teams, brands, and partners of all sizes to showcase cutting-edge solutions and technological advancements to demonstrate how your innovations are driving efficiency, leadership, customer success, and growth. Our panel of esteemed judges, composed of industry leaders and experts, will review submissions based on merit, impact, and excellence.

Elevate your enterprise. Inspire your industry. Celebrate your success.

The Mastering ERP Summit

The Mastering ERP Summit will deliver the key strategies, roadmaps, case studies, and actionable takeaways critical to accelerating the adoption of AI in the ERP landscape.

For more about this event click below and if you are interested in being a speaker or sharing your story click here.

Call for Papers – If you have significant experience and/or a compelling story to share, please click on the ‘Submit now’ button below and tell us more! No vendor pitches please.