Epicor releases upgrade to ERP platform

Epicor has launched the latest release of its ERP platform which will improve the user experience and ensure global readiness by helping companies address pressing market challenges such as the changing workforce.

“The need to attract and retain talent is more important than ever – with more people currently leaving the manufacturing industry than joining,” said Terri Hiskey, vice president, product marketing at Epicor. “Offering a modern toolset for next-generation workers which is more familiar and reminiscent of how they already interact with mobile applications, will help give them the experience they anticipate. We’re offering our customers the ability to choose their update path with tools and solutions that allow them to get where they want, however they want – via cloud environments or on-premise.”

The new release advancements help companies grow their business with technology solutions that are purpose-built and leverage cloud capabilities, IoT, AI and big data. With greater access to ERP data and the automation of redundant tasks, organisations gain greater visibility into their processes that translates to new levels of business efficiency and responsiveness.

The latest innovations with Epicor ERP include Epicor Collaborate; a cloud-based solution that simplifies collaboration and interaction processes by leveraging social media concepts to easily exchange information. Epicor Virtual Agent; an AI-powered virtual agent which provides a new set of skills to modernise the experience for everyday functions such as purchase order approvals. Epicor Service Pro; which provides field service and mobile capabilities with time-saving automation tools that streamline service calls, schedule and dispatch. Epicor Functions; the next evolution of Epicor BPMs, with new levels of flexibility that solve orchestration and integration challenges for cloud and on-premise customers.