Original Software

Original Software exists to democratize software quality. For too long, organizations large and small all over the world have been hampered by software that doesn’t live up to its potential because of poor testing. Our company was founded to right that wrong, and to help every organization be all it can be. 
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  • 10 software testing fundamentals everyone should know
    Setting up a software testing function at any organization can feel daunting. There’s so much to organize, lots of people to corral, and deadlines to meet. If you’ve spent any time on our website, you’ll know that we’ve spent decades...
  • photo of a person working on a laptop with touch-screen and stylus | software testing concept
    Scale your software testing on a single platform, here’s how
    Software testing has come a long way in the last ten years. Test automation has significantly eased the burden on test managers, for instance. But there’s further to go.
  • Most ERP transformations projects fail. Testing can change that
    In 2021, McKinsey revealed that the average success rate for transformations is 31%. That’s shocking, right? That means, for instance, that your next ERP migration is more likely to fail than it is to succeed. Here are some more scary...
  • Should you be paying more attention to the risks of bad UAT?
    When you think of risk, what comes to mind first? If it’s the popular board game (or any one of its themed variants), then you get bonus nerd points, but in a professional capacity, it’s likely that either security threats...
  • Busting testing myths #1: “We can automate UAT”
    Test automation is great, there’s no doubt about it. But a quick Google will reveal that many companies (usually the ones selling test automation solutions) offer testing automation as a way to handle one of the most tricky test phases,...
  • ERP migrations and the shifting dynamic between vendors and clients
    How long ago was your last ERP migration? For many, it’s an event perhaps best left forgotten. The complexity, cost and timescales of migrating to a new vendor are huge, which is one of the reasons it doesn’t happen very...
  • What’s the best test management process?
    That’s a big question, isn’t it? But a good one. Whether you’re a long-time testing professional, new to the world of software testing, or a business user looking to learn more about why you’re asked to do the things you...
  • Test today. Or be in the news tomorrow 😥
    Wow. That was some weekend for business failures in the news headlines! We don’t think there’s ever been a better illustration of the importance of testing than what happened to some of the world’s biggest brands… Updated 20th March –...
  • Where does the time go in testing?
    Time flies when you’re having fun, they say. But they always forget to mention that time flies even faster when you’re trying to get all your software testing done before a deadline. If you’ve ever felt the pressure of trying...