Rothkopf enters a new world of working with 10X ERP

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Key Takeaways

Dedicated software tailored to specific industries can significantly enhance business operations, particularly in customer fulfillment.

Rothkopf transitioned from outdated software to 10X ERP, which streamlined their processes by eliminating paper-based systems and providing real-time inventory management.

The implementation of 10X ERP allowed Rothkopf to improve customer service and meet delivery deadlines through faster, more efficient operations and enhanced data visibility.

For businesses to run smoothly, oftentimes, a dedicated software designed specifically for an organization’s industry can prove beneficial in enhancing everyday business operations. For organizations working in the world of customer fulfillment, delivering products efficiently and on time is crucial in meeting customer demands and ensuring projects run smoothly.

Rothkopf, a provider of rubber component solutions, found itself running the business on a software product that was designed specifically for distributors. As a result of this, the company ended up with a lot of paper-based processes which had an effect on the time it took to deliver to their customers. In addition, Rothkopf’s previous software required multiple screens and reports to gather the information needed for purchasing and customer fulfillment.

To update its software, Rothkopf turned to 10X ERP, a cloud-based ERP software provider specifically designed with small to medium-sized distribution businesses in mind. 10X ERP’s platform delivers real-time inventory management and a seamless integration experience with widely-used e-commerce and business applications.

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10X ERP’s distribution expertise ensured that the software worked in a way that complements the way Rothkopf works, eliminating the need for paper-based processes and providing key information in a usable format. With information being readily available in real-time, Rothkopf no longer has to wait for an end-of-day process to see the very latest information.

Having chosen 10X ERP as its provider partner, Rothkopf launched its operations on the platform back in February, since then the company has been embracing its new way of working and benefiting from faster processes, streamlined operations and real-time insights. Rothkopf’s new way of working is allowing the company to better serve its customers and deliver valuable products on time, keeping within customer deadlines.

Sue Klipsch, director of operations at Rothkopf, said: “All data is real-time, and the Tools and Dashboards allow us to use that real-time data to eliminate paper processes and filter for just the order lines we need to ship today. And because we have so much more visibility of Inventory data, we are able to encourage our customers to accept package quantities, which saves us time.”

Businesses no longer have to settle for a system that doesn’t completely support the way they work. Thanks to dedicated cloud software providers such as 10X ERP, organizations can turn to systems dedicated solely to their organizations’ purpose and customer needs.