Digital Extras

QR cross-border payments ERP Today
APAC’s QR code solution solves a 21st century problem
The humble QR code represents a possible quantum leap in cross-border payment for Southeast Asia.
Stock image of cybersecurity | Accenture Federal Services and Google Public Sector
FSIs have embraced cloud – but what’s next in the name of security?
Banks have embraced digital as a transformational advantage, to meet the demands of customers seeking seamless, reliable and “always-on” solutions.
Forget the hype: think about ERP integration before AI
The technology sector has always been prone to hype and promises of silver bullets. Marketers get ahead of engineers and evangelize over the promise of the Next Big Thing. Conferences dedicated to the new hot topic mushroom everywhere. Journalists write...
The Big Bias in Finance: can Fintech help beyond Glossy UI?
Flexible applications and digital-first are key offerings of many fintech firms. But, beyond glossy UI and the ‘big win’ consumers, does fintech allow enterprises to offer users enough help to make the most of the financial system? And does the shape of today’s financial services mean some communities are falling through the gaps?
Oracle partners collaborate on event for EBS customers
ERP Today attended Oracle5:LIVE last month, a one-day conference in London that promised to cut through business software “techno-babble” and explore what the latest developments in the industry really mean for Oracle users.
AI house of lords
AI in the House of Lords
The experts have descended, so what have we learned? Last week was London Tech Week, and technology specialists descended on the capital in force.