Editor’s Words – The opening thoughts in the latest issue

Key Takeaways

The enterprise tech sector has largely thrived during the pandemic, with many firms reporting record performances while other sectors, like small businesses, have struggled.

ERP Today is initiating a campaign to raise funds for the NHS COVID-19 Urgent Appeal, committing to donate 25% of its profits in 2021 and encouraging community involvement.

There is a call for the entire ERP community to unite in support of those affected by the pandemic, emphasizing the need for coordinated efforts and meaningful actions.

This issue of ERP Today has been the most challenging to produce so far. But, as I put the finishing touches to our cover story and spent the last few days in the studio I came to a blinding realisation – we don’t know the first thing about real challenges and we are blessed compared to many others.

When I say we, I am referring to everyone at ERP Today and the vast majority of our contributors, partners and customers. The simple fact is the enterprise tech sector has been very well insulated during the pandemic and most have prospered rather than perished. You only have to read the financial results that many of our partners have announced over the last six months to realise that far from being pushed to the brink of bankruptcy the majority of firms have reported record performance while the underlying need for businesses to modernise has given a huge boost to their order books.

Shops, theatres, cinemas, restaurants and thousands of small businesses have gone to the wall while millions of people face growing uncertainty as the furlough scheme comes to an end. Those fortunate enough to be employed by enterprise tech firms have fared considerably better. Big deals have been announced, huge investments have been committed and vendors and consultancies alike have flourished with burgeoning sales and accelerated momentum for their products and services.

We don’t need to be embarrassed by this but we do need to do something to pay back into society and help those who have suffered the most.

So how can we do this?

ERP Today is spearheading a campaign to raise money for the NHS COVID-19 Urgent Appeal – and we need your help to do this. Our awards event which should have been hosted just this week has been scrapped in favour of a summer fundraiser in 2021 where all proceeds will go directly to help those who have been most impacted by the menace of this unwelcome pandemic.

I am making a personal commitment to donate 25 percent of any profits we make in the magazine during 2021 to the cause and every penny that is generated by the fundraiser will go directly to NHS Charities Together. I realise it’s a bold plan to organise a large-scale event and of course, there are several caveats in place which could affect our ability to pull this off in June, but we are committed to doing whatever is possible to pay back and support those who have given so much and allowed us to continue our lives relatively unaffected.

I know that many firms are already doing their bit – but it’s not enough. The whole community needs to stand up and be counted with a co-ordinated approach and meaningful action. Our campaign will bring together many of the world’s most powerful tech brands to act as one in recognising and supporting those who have been on the frontline.

There is an overdue opportunity for the ERP sector to come together and do something that it can be really proud of. I hope you are with us. Please read my extended notes on pages 52 and 53 and let us know what you can do to help.