ERP Live! An alternative look at building a business case for modernisation with London City Airport, Microsoft and HSO

Key Takeaways

Quantifying the ROI of technology investments can be challenging for organizations with outdated systems that hinder data extraction.

London City Airport recognized the urgent need for a modern finance system to overcome limitations in financial reporting and analysis caused by legacy technology.

The focus should shift from trying to create a data-driven business case to leveraging the anticipated benefits of modernization, such as enhanced visibility and user experience.

Conventional wisdom tells us that quantifying the business case for transformation is a top priority. CFOs like to know how their investment will be repaid and many project sponsors place ROI at the top of the list before signing off on technology spend. However, it’s not always possible to put a dollar amount on the benefit – some organisations with a sound underlying business but poor systems simply cannot extract the data from their legacy technology to make this calculation easy.

In this ERP Today Live! session we meet London City Airport, a company that was facing this conundrum. The need for a modern finance system was evident: the business was not able to report or analyse its financial data and was being held back by aging cumbersome applications. Manual process were stifling agility and the finance function was grinding to a halt. Should time and effort be spent hopelessly trying to create a data lead business case or could LCA push forward with its modernisation plans leveraging the predicated benefits of great visibility, improved reporting and dramatically enhanced user experience?