November 2019Issue 3


Melissa Di Donato
Melissa Di Donato – how far have we really come?
Melissa Di Donato dares to be different. And she is daring you to be the same. The new CEO of SUSE is unashamedly taking aim at the issue of gender-bias and diversity while hatching a plan to grow SUSE into a global powerhouse.


Expert Opinions

Why modern ERP is the key to harnessing employee activism
An activist employee is an engaged employee. The past few years have seen a sharp rise in employee-driven activism. From public declarations to staff walk outs, employees have found creative (and often very public) ways to demand their companies take...
ERP in a digital age – a CIO’s perspective
The role of chief information officer (CIO) has been constantly evolving with the advancements and needs for all organisations to adopt a more digital approach. This is not just about how they engage with customers, citizens and users but in...
AI and trust – Getting it right the first time
Successful use of AI depends on enterprises designing trust into their systems sooner rather than later. There is a long list of business use cases for AI that extends from customer service and manufacturing to building management, cybersecurity, and human...
What Macron knows
In France during 2018, President Macron’s administration declared gender equality a priority. Legislation now requires...
Best Network Wins
For the early adopters of blockchain technology the rewards will be untold: new revenue streams...