
Bayer chooses Infor to manage assets
Bayer, the pharmaceutical and life science group, has chosen Infor EAM to manage its asset portfolio...
Kingspan Water and Energy UK opts for Infor
Kingspan Water and Energy UK has successfully standardised on Infor LN ERP to help improve...
The thin veneer of differentiation
I wrote to each of the ERP vendors and asked them to send me a few words on what set them apart from the competition - the results were depressingly vague. I hate to break it to you but ‘putting customers first’...
How to become a data-driven organization
A data-driven organization is an enterprise where every person is aligned towards improving a consistent...
Top trends driving cloud adoption today
In virtually every industry, organizations of all sizes have reached the tipping point where they’re now recognizing...
Unlock the potential of Industry 4.0 for equipment and asset management
Equipment and assets are crucial to the delivery of your product. If you can’t use your machines, you can’t deliver...
Industry 4.0: A people – centric transformation
The fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0—where humans and machines work in tandem—is well underway...
Improve business productivity and agility with modern ERP
How do you run your business? Are you doing weekly planning on a whiteboard? Do you keep track...
Work from Home
It’s all very well if you’re used to working from home (WFH), have honed your own tricks to manage...
How to: Identify value, evolve your defense operations
Artificial intelligence means different things to different roles in an organization, but defined broadly...
Covid-19: Lessons Learned and the Future for Manufacturers
Artificial intelligence means different things to different roles in an organization, but defined broadly...
HR in Lockdown
COVID-19 lockdown stipulations rocketed employee well-being and online collaboration to priority status practically overnight. HR teams scrambled to find ways to help the workforce keep in touch, maintain morale, and enable...
Software firms at forefront of COVID-19 efforts
Software vendors are leveraging their expertise to help customers, employees and the community overcome COVID-19 challenges. The way in which companies conduct themselves during the COVID-19 crisis has come under intense scrutiny. As we have already seen, companies that fail to support both their customers and staff during this period are likely to be judged harshly – and publicly – and could incur financial and reputational damage from which it will be difficult to recover...
Koch puts an end to Infor IPO speculation
Infor, the world’s third largest enterprise software vendor, has been acquired by Koch Industries in a deal...
Kevin Samuelson takes over at Infor
In another surprise change at the top of a global ERP vendor, Charles Phillips announced last month that he was stepping down with immediate effect and handing over the reins to Kevin Samuelson...