December 2023Issue 17


Image of Brian Duffy, CEO at SoftwareOne leaning against a window with greenery reflected | Photos by Kurt Rebry
99 problems? The fix is One
Paul Esherwood speaks to Brian Duffy, former SAP cloud president turned CEO of SoftwareOne, on why its time for technology customers to stop buying and start utilizing.


Robot face on a background of nighttime city lights | Editor's Words: AI tipping point marks a seminal moment for enterprise software
Editor’s Words: AI tipping point marks a seminal moment for enterprise software
The last 12 months have witnessed a tipping point; technology vendors now have a compelling case that aligns with the cloud proposition.
Bill McDermott, CEO ServiceNow
ServiceNow goes all in on AI
Paul Esherwood meets with Bill McDermott for an update on ServiceNow's AI focus and the mission to become the defining enterprise software company of the twenty-first century.
Image of a hand reaching into a fridge full of appealing looking food, in date. | LLM data
LLM use-by data – who’s keeping the data up to date?
Your chatbot is leveling up, but who's keeping the data up to date for our LLMs? Microsoft, Google and specialist researchers give their take.
a bunch of tabloid newspapers and magazine with red covers | ERP implementation
Slow, stuck and public…Sector ERP under scrutiny
Public sector organizations haven’t always had an easy ride, but is the public sector failing to cross its ERP implementation red tape?


Expert Opinions

An illustration of a person looking ahead at the choice of two paths.
Cloud vendors can’t ditch on-prem: It’s a love/hate relationship
Is it a good match? The history and happenings of cloud vendors' difficult relationship with on-premise solutions.
image of astronaut in space gazing at the navy sky with stars | Big data
Dated but still feted: The Big Data universe
Big Data is big. To paraphrase the late, great Douglas Adams on space: You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. And that's nothing compared to the hype around it.
Chris Mason | From bedroom to boardroom
From bedroom to boardroom
Chris Mason started Namos Solutions from his bedroom 11 years ago. Today, it boasts 130 employees and has opened offices in Europe and the US
Infor Innovations Day: It’s RPA, Jim, but not as we know it
Probing deeper into the latest updates to CloudSuite, as unveiled at Infor Innovations Day Nordics.

Guest Contributors

Composable ERP: Some assembly required
Matt McLarty discusses the what and why of composable ERP, so you're not left looking with frustration at an ordeal of scattered parts.
The unconventional journey of a female leader in ERP
Host of WERP podcast, Abigail Allman, retells a motivational roadmap for all Women in ERP and talks taking a leading role.
An AI on the Future
With all this attention, you could be forgiven for thinking that AI is a new technology. Phil Lewis says, "let's see how far we can go," as the results of decades of developments come to mainstream fruition.