Migrating legacy systems over to SAP S/4HANA is a process that SAP customers need to come accustomed with over the next four years – otherwise maintenance fees will have to be paid to operate your older tech stack. One of the main factors slowing down the update to SAP S/4HANA is the fear of how much effort will be needed when it comes to pre-projects in preparation for the mass data migration.
Pre-projects dominate the minds of those anxious about SAP S/4HANA. Pre-projects typically revolve around legacy data that will need to be reduced, cleaned and organized before the migration, or some SAP customers believing it necessary to adapt their current data structure to mirror that of SAP S/4HANA before the migration happens.
While some of these pre-projects can be justified, they don’t solve the problem of what to do with the legacy data and systems once the digital transformation has been implemented. It’s a blind spot that is rarely addressed – some organizations may even resign to continuing to keep legacy systems operating just to retain access to legacy data in archives. This, in turn, opens up a new risk in the form of cyberattacks. Legacy systems are rarely maintained – allowing a hacker with enough tech-savvy to find some kind of loophole to worm themselves into your systems.
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JiVS IMP is a tool specifically created to address this blind spot. Rather than having to keep an older legacy system on life support for the sake of archive access, JiVS IMP imports all legacy data (from SAP and non-SAP systems), saves it and deletes it accordingly – all while remaining legally compliant and secure.
The data migration solution integrates fully with SAP S/4HANA, allowing it to adapt legacy data to new structures on the fly. Every step of the project is also documented and recorded, in addition to keeping track of whichever legacy system your business can now dispose of.
Rather than replacing SAP’s readiness check, JiVS IMP complements it by providing a core of vital, intelligent data. Being fearful of pre-projects shouldn’t hold you back when it comes to your digital transformation – with the right tool, you might not even have to indulge in any groundwork before the migration.