With each passing year, enterprise technology grows more complex. Whether it’s a migration over to cloud computing or replacing legacy tech and replacing it with new, ERP platforms continue to get more complicated. The SAP system landscape is no exception, with each new iteration prompting some firms to rely on other IT solutions that can help enable the changes from a new edition.
The SAP Change Request Management module, or ChaRM, was made specifically to manage activities performed during a digital transformation; design, testing and final promotion to production systems are all covered by the ChaRM tool. SAP’s change management solution can also track change and transport requests. However, the effectiveness of this tool has waned with each passing, increasingly complex, SAP version.
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There are third-party solutions available that can provide a more unique, catered solution to an organization’s SAP change management woes. Third-party support specialist, Rimini Street, can lend its Rimini Watch for Change Management solution to leverage automated workflows and processes. Built-in checks, comprehensive monitoring and in-depth reporting capabilities can help reduce the time, costs and risks involved with digital transformations, especially overhauls as complex as those centered around SAP can be.
The most effective third-party solutions will be efficient, quick, agile and adaptable to each organization’s individual needs. Rimini Watch for Change Management only requires a few days to be up, running and working on managing a firm’s disparate or collated systems. Rimini’s change management solution has been built to scale, meaning it can adapt and grow to mirror business growth.
Change management software has to stay connected to every system and platform that’s going to be affected by whatever tech integration is inbound. Any disparate, disconnected systems can run the risk of being forgotten in a transformation. As SAP systems grow ever-more complex, the chance of forgotten, siloed data repositories grows higher. Rimini Watch for Change Management can skirt around this issue by directly integrating SAP operations into IT service management processes.
As the SAP environment grows with each passing year, it’s understandable for organizations to reach out to third-party support. The services offered can sometimes be more effective than official platform support. Perhaps it’s time to reach out and see just how capable some can be?