Guest Voices

The age of pay transparency the role of tech and data
It is no secret to anyone by now that our access to technology and data is creating increasing transparency in all areas of life - and the salary data, pay fairness and pay equity in particular are no exception.
Hot right now? Six key points to build ESG into your ERP
Most readers will need little persuading that sustainability is a hot topic for business leaders. This heat comes from a number of factors, including: the risk of fines and reputational damage from non-compliance with sustainability regulation; falling revenues if customers’ growing environmental and ethical expectations are not met.
image of ESG investment | Unit4 study
Happy Green New Year?
While many thought that the pandemic might knock ESG approaches off course as companies and investors went ‘back to basics’, it seems that the opposite has happened. Three quarters of all investors surveyed said they’re now more likely to divest shares of companies with poor ESG performance post-pandemic.
The cloud goes Vertical
The backdrop – commercial elasticity and the demand for workloads. The cloud has been one of, if not the, most transformative IT innovations in the short history of the IT discipline. The ability to convert CAPEX into OPEX has an irresistible lure to enterprises in a pandemic world more than ever.
Developing young talent: a vital ingredient for ecosystem success
When I was three, it was my father who took me to pre school every day. He did that every morning until I left for university at 18, for which I am eternally grateful. There were a number of things I learned over those years.
Unlocking the value of Smart contracts
The Ethereum whitepaper, written and released by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, put in motion the wheels of change that are set to have a profound impact across every industry in the coming years ahead.
The future of work in tech: Saying goodbye to women’s roles
It will come as no surprise to the readers of ERP Today that the future of work is shifting towards a more tech-focussed approach. We are constantly utilising the latest technology to create fresh workplace opportunities and tech skills are becoming increasingly in demand within the world of work.
All aboard the Green Regulation revolution
The words regulation and opportunity don’t typically appear in the same sentence, but the scale and depth of new sustainability rules can offer forward-thinking businesses the chance to gain advantage.
Survival strategies in a hybrid and multi-cloud world
There is no question anymore that technology progress has overtaken the technology demands of business best practices, creating the current need for experimentation and exploration of how to operate a business in the 21st century...
The procurement problem – Unlocking innovation and supporting SMEs
I recently spotted a tweet from Chris Bakke, an entrepreneur with a number of significant exits under his belt, that got me thinking. Why is procurement still such a challenging beast?
Working from home
In March 2017, a video of two young children interrupting their father’s BBC interview about South Korea went viral. Professor Robert Kelly was quoted as saying: “I thought I’d blown it in front of the whole world,” when his children...
Inflection 2021 – The Missing Piece of the Enterprise Jigsaw
This year will see the continued evolution of SaaS cloud applications and once again we find ourselves at another inflection point. The next step brings into focus the final piece of the jigsaw and delivers on what ERP has been promising for decades - simply to make our lives easier at work.
Human to Human – How one vendor has humanised the software industry
Advanced is a software company that you may not have heard of, yet their products and services touch the lives of millions of people. If you have called NHS 111, travelled on a smart motorway...
The economic benefits of Certainty
Certainty can be defined as the confidence that we have in our beliefs. It is a determining characteristic of how we perform as individuals, as a team and as a company. The more certain we are in our beliefs...
Intelligent Automation is the key to lasting business resilience
The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most disruptive business events in history - requiring immediate technology shifts for recovery, resilience and competitiveness...
Benchmarking project success
Isn’t it about time we had a way to really measure the success of ERP Implementations?
How creativity, bolstered by data, is forging a path to the circular economy
If anyone still doesn’t believe we’re in the midst of a climate crisis, they likely never will...
The state of the enterprise in 2020 and beyond
While the world struggles with its most severe pandemic in 100 or so years, the key underlying dynamics...
Are you ready to go all-in on SaaS?
Experience tells you that in the enterprise SaaS cloud market you are always selling...
There is an alternative to doom and gloom
Tough times sharpen our minds and force us to re-evaluate almost everything, both personally and...
Know your data
In 1963, Raymond De Roover published ‘The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank (1397-1494).’ It tells the story...
image of business growth
RPA: the key to unlocking transformational value in ERP systems
As the business world grapples with the economic impact of the global pandemic, ERP systems are...
Flexible working: the policy that is implementing itself
I don’t think many of us understood what flexible work was until March 2020. Many of us in the ERP...
Work from Home
It’s all very well if you’re used to working from home (WFH), have honed your own tricks to manage...
Ground Zero – Rebuilding the Economy
Roll back to New Year’s Eve 2019 and the technology industry was looking forward optimistically...
Entrepreneurship, innovation and the mass movement of people
Entrepreneurs are by their very nature built for uncertainty. Their businesses too are built to...
The future of work won’t wait for you to evolve
Instead of a grand movement shaped by AI and automation, self-driving cars and trips to Mars...